3.2.- Modal Verbs



3.2.1.-  Simple Modals and Semi Modals

What items do you take with you when getting away? for example, a pair of trainers

Some considerations when travelling to Europe

1.- When travelling abroad you must arrive two hours in advance for international flights.

2.- If you fly to Europe, you don't have to have a Visa.

3.- Many people there can speak English pretty well.

4.- You can't pay in Mexican pesos or American dollars at the store, you have to pay in euros.

5.- You have to show your passport to the border officer to get access.

6.- You should get informed about the attractions before getting the cities you will visit.

7.- You can visit all the countries that are part of the Schengen Area with one passport stamp.

8.- You can't go to the toilet during a flight when there is turbulence.

Modal Verbs

1.- Ability

2.- Possibility

3.- Impossibility


5.- Obligation

6.- No obligation

7.- Permission

8.- The right thing to do (advice)

Modal Verbs

1.- Ability

I can speak English. 

can - could - be able to

2.- Possibility

You can take a direct flight from Cancun to London.

can - could - may - might

3.- Impossibility

You can't get into the USA as a Mexican if you don't have a Visa.

can't - mustn't - couldn't


People must feel exhausted after having taken a nine-hour flight.

must - can't

5.- Obligation

You must arrive at least two hours in advance for an international flight.

must - have to - need to 

6.- No obligation

You don't have to have a Visa as a Mexican to visit the UK.

don't have to - don't need to - needn't

7.- Permission

You can go to the toilet whenever you want.

can - may

8.- The right thing to do (advice)

You should chill out during the flight.

should - ought to - must

Collaborative Online Exercise about Modal Verbs in Present


Individual Online Exercise about Modal Verbs in Present


Speaking Practice about the functions of the Modal Verbs


3.2.- Perfect Modals

Opening Speaking Practice

Where would you like to go back if you were a child again?

If I were a child again, I would like to go back to Six Flags.

What could you do when you were a child?

I could rollerskate when I was a child.

What did you have to do when you were a child?

I had to wear a uniform at school.

Past simple modal verbs:

a) would for past imaginary situations

b) could for past ability or possibility

c) had to for past obligations

Introductory Matching Activity of Perfect Modals


Collaborative Online Exercise of Perfect Modals


Individual Online Exercise of Perfect Modals


Book Exercises on Page 25


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