First-Period Review (March 2024)

 First-Period Review

1.- Present Simple vs Present Continuous or Progressive

Chart of Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Review exercise of the present simple vs continuous

2.- Review of Past Tenses

Review exercise of Past Tenses

3.- Adjectives ended -ed or -ing

The girl that I met yesterday on Tinder seems to be really interesting, so I'm interested in her

Review exercise of -ed/-ing adjectives

4.- Adjective Suffixes

Chart of Common Adjective Suffixes

Review exercise of adjective suffixes

5.- B2-level Fixed Phrases in Unit 2

Chart of B2-level Fixed Phrases in Unit 2

Vocabulary Review of Fixed Phrases in Unit 2


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3.2.- Modal Verbs

5.2.- Future forms

4.7.- Review of Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous