lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2024

5.8.- How to write a letter of application


Would you be interested in the following job vacancy? Why or why not? 

Collaborative Reading of the Letter of Application Sample on page 46

Collaborative Exercise 2 on page 46

Structure for a Letter of Application

1. Salutation

Dear Sir or Madam 

If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, use this. The following is a list of letter salutation examples that are appropriate for letters of application.

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear Search Committee
  • To whom it may concern
  • Dear Human Resources Manager
  • Dear Sir or Madam

2. The Introductory Paragraph

Begin by stating the job for which you are applying. Briefly mention how your skills and experience match the company and/or position; this will give the employer a preview of the rest of your letter.

3. The next paragraphs (the body)

In the following paragraphs, explain why you are interested in the job and why you make an excellent candidate for the position. Mention specific qualifications listed in the job posting and explain how you meet those qualifications.

Please see the example structure below:

(2nd paragraph) You might go and list your experience and relevant qualifications:

(3rd paragraph) You might then go on to mention the particular abilities and skills that you have:

(4th paragraph) Say why you are particularly interested in this job:

4. Closing paragraph

Conclude your letter of application by thanking the employer for considering you for the position and stating that you would like to interview.

You might close the letter with the following formula.


Individual writing of a letter of application according to the exam task criteria on page 46 and the standards from the University of Cambridge

5.7.- Reading and Use of English Part 3


Which graduates do you think are more likely to find a job?

Collaborative Exercise 1 on Page 45

Individual Exam Task on Page 45

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2024

5.6.- Countable and uncountable nouns


Noun classifying exercise on Wordwall

Book exercises 1 and 2 on page 44

Exercise 3 on page 44

Exercise 4 on page 44

Exercise 5 on page 44

Video about fce speaking test part 1

Speaking exam task practice on page 44

5.5.- Phrasal verbs with 'take'


What the text 'Training for the future' was about?

Collaborative exercise about identifying the meaning of the phrasal verbs with take on page 43 on Wordwall


Book exercises 6 and 7 on page 43

Speaking Practice of the Phrasal Verbs with 'Take'

5.4.- Training for the future


Vocabulary Presentation of the text 'Training for the future'

Reading Exam task on pages 42 and 43

What training programmes are there in your school?

5.3.- Noun Suffixes


What job do you think you will have when you finish school?

Book Exercises 4 on page 41 about Noun Suffixes for jobs

Book Exercise 5 about forming pairs on page 41

Book Exercise 6 on page 41

5.2.- Future forms



How do you think Alba will go at university in New Zealand?

I think she will meet new friends.

Exercise 1 on page 41 about identifying future forms

Reading Comprehension Exercise about future forms

Collaborative Online Exercise about future forms with will

Collaborative Online Exercise about Alternative Future Forms

Closing Speaking Practice about the Future Forms

Exercises 2 and 3 on page 41

5.1.- Academic Vocabulary


What renowned schools do you know and why they are well-known?

Academic Vocabulary

Academic: We have high academic standards in this institution.

Bachelor’s: What’s your bachelor’s?

Graduate: Chris is a physics graduate

Lecture: Who's giving the lecture this afternoon?

Master’s: She has a Master's in biotechnology.

Postgraduate: My friend is interested in a postgraduate degree in microbiology.

 Qualify: She hopes to qualify as a lawyer at the end of the year.

Secondary: They receive state money to train secondary teachers.

Seminar:   I'm giving a seminar on the latest developments in genetic engineering next week.

Tutor: During my illness, I was taught by a series of home tutors. 

Undergraduate: Mark is an undergraduate studying Biology.

Meaning Review of the Academic Vocabulary

Exercises on page 40

Speaking Practice


4.9.- Past Simple vs Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous


Say a weird thing you have ever done, for example, 'I have ever eaten cat meat.'

Asking about experiences

Have you ever jumped out of the bungee?

Yes, I have.

No, I haven't.

Have you ever heard about the Loch Ness Monster? As far as I know, it's a Scottish mythological character about which I heard for the first time when I was a child while watching TV.

Some years later, I had the opportunity of travelling to Edinburgh in 2020, which is the capital city of Scotland. While being in Edinburgh, I was strongly recommended to take a tour to the Loch Ness and the Highlands; so, I decided to do it the next day.

The next day in the morning, I took the bus for the tour two blocks away from my hostel. I was firstly taken to the Highlands then to the Loch Ness where I boarded a cruise. Unfortunately, the monster never appeared.

Many residents from Fort August, which is a town close to the lake, say that it hasn't appeared for a while. However, there are people who haven't lost hope of finding it yet.

Collaborative Online Exercise about Past Simple vs Present Perfect

Individual Online Exercise about Past Simple vs Present Perfect

Where have you been dreaming of travelling abroad? why?
I have been dreaming of travelling to Dubai because when I watched a series called Bling Dubai on Netflix I was so surprised at how magnificent the city is.

What about you?
I have been dreaming of travelling to... because...

Collaborative Online Exercise about the Present Perfect Continuous

Individual Online Exercise about the Present Perfect Continuous

Collaborative Online Exercise about Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous

Individual Online Exercise about Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous

4.8.- How to wriite a review


What books that have turned into movies do you know?

for example, Devil wears Prada.

Collaborative Exercise about Classifying the Descriptive Adjectives

Collaborative Reading Aloud of the Sample Review on Page 38

Parts of the Review:

1.- Title

2.- Paragraph: Introduction including information about the author, the book name, the setting and the plot

3.- Paragraph 2: Body a summary story

4.- Paragraph 3: A plot opinion

5.- Paragraph 4: Conclusion saying whether you recommend or not the book and why.

4.7.- Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous

 Talk about a hobby you have.

for example, 'I take my dog for a walk in the evenings.'

I have ever eaten cat meat.

Opening Speaking Practice about experiences with Have you ever...?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven't.

Online Exercise about the Present Perfect

Individual Online Exercise about the Present Perfect

Collaborative Online Exercise about the use present perfect time expressions

Individual Online Exercise about Present Perfect with yet, just and already

Speaking Practice about Present Perfect with already, just, since, yet. and for on Wordwall

Present Perfect Review

Collaborative Online Exercise about the Present Perfect Continuous

Collaborative Online Exercise about Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous

Individual Online Exercise about Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous

Speaking Practice about Answering Questions in Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous

Exercise 2 on page 37

Individual Exam Task on Page 37

4.6.- Speaking Test Part 4

 Video about the Speaking Test Part 4

Exercise 4 on page 36 

4.5- too vs enough


What I think about Cinepolis at Las Americas Mall

Going to the cinema is one of my favourite leisure activities, but the theatre I like most is Cinepolis Cancun at Las Americas Mall.

There are too many cinema rooms at Cinepolis at Las Americas Mall in Cancun. However, there aren't enough movies to watch in a week because some films are projected in several rooms.

What I love when going to the cinema is to eat too much popcorn as it is delicious enough.

I take enough money with me for having a good time when I go there.

Collaborative Online Exercise about the use of 'too' vs 'enough'

Exercises on page 36

Individual Online Exercise about the use of 'too' vs 'enough'

4.4.- Verbs followed by infinitive or gerund

 Grammar in Songs about Verbs followed by the to-infinitive and -ing. 

Collaborative Exercise about Classifying the Verbs followed by to-infinitive or -ing

Collaborative Online Exercise about Verbs followed by to- infinitive or -ing

Gerund and the Infinitive after the verb – no difference in meaning

These verbs can be followed by a Gerund and an Infinitive without changing their meaning:

beginHe began talking.
He began to talk
hateDo you hate working on Saturdays?
Do you hate to work on Saturdays?
likelike swimming.
like to swim.
loveShe loves painting.
She loves to paint.
preferPat prefers walking home.
Pat prefers to walk home.
startThey start singing.
They start to sing.

Conversation video

Collaborative Online Exercise about Verbs followed by to- infinitive or -ing with different meaning

5.8.- How to write a letter of application

  Would you be interested in the following job vacancy? Why or why not?  Collaborative Reading of the Letter of Application Sample on page 4...