2.5.- How to write an article


Writing Exam Task on Page 22

Collaborative Reading of the Article Sample on Page 22

Exercise 1 on page 22

Article Structure

1.- Title
Think of an interesting title which will make people want to read your article.


2.- Introduction
Start your article in an interesting way. You could ask the reader a question or make a strong statement.


3.- 1st body paragraph

The first paragraph should involve the reader in some way.


4.- 2nd body paragraph

Build on the interest you have raised in the first paragraph by telling the next part of the story.


5.- Conclusion
Finish the article in an interesting way.  This could be humorous or thought-provoking.

Individual Exam Task on page 22


SKIMINS, Adam (2024) How to write article  B2-First (FCE) in Article on  https://engxam.com/handbook/how-to-write-an-article-b2-first-fce/#b2-first-fce-article-structure


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